Cell Analysis Tools
Knowble Scientific represents the makers of innovative and unique cell analysis tools.

MOXI Z Mini Automated Cell Counter Kit, $3,195.00
Improve downstream results with better QC of your cells.
Moxi Z is the only automated cell counter that combines the Coulter Principle typically used in high-end cell counters that allows for highly accurate (> 95%) and repeatable particle counting and sizing for a broad range of cell types – from mammalian cells to cells as small as wine yeast and more. Since today's workflows demand accurate quality control of samples, determining cell counts precisely has a significant impact on outcomes and downstream costs.
Produce repeatable cell counts with >95% accuracy in just 8 seconds.
This ultra-small instrument uses patented microfluidic thin-film cassettes that enable automatic load and measure operation. The resulting single cell volumetric measurements are completely technique-independent. It provides the ideal alternative to the tedious manual counting associated with cytometers, or the inaccurate results associated with image-based automated cell counters (typical accuracies of 75-80%).
Assess cell culture health without reagents or dyes.
Moxi Z also automatically reports a unique cell health assessment index – MPI (Moxi Population Index) – without the need for reagents or dyes. MPI is a ratio of the cell population of interest relative to the entire particle distribution in that sample, factoring in dead cells that have shrunken or broken apart as well as other debris and contaminants in the sample. For monodisperse mammalian cultures this is closely correlated to the overall health of the sample.In the case of mixed cell populations, it's provides an assessment of the relative fraction of the largest sized population in the sample. Unlike staining-based viability methods that focus on the uptake by dead cells and do not account for contaminants and other debris, MPI provides insight on the primary population of interest (based on size) and its relationship to ALL other particles in the sample.
Measure the smallest cells at very high concentrations.
Using the new Type S cassette, you can now accurately measure the smallest cells of any automated cell counter (down to 3um average diameter) at concentrations of up to 2.5e+6/ml. This means the new Type S cassette can measure Yeast (including wine yeast) and non-spherical particles down to 14 fL in volume.
Results in just 8 seconds
Ultra-small and ultra-easy to use (no manual counting, no focusing of any kind)
Complete, high-resolution cell size/count histogram
Handles "de-aggregation" and coincidence events
Post-processing/analysis of count distributions with user-adjustable regions/gates
Assess cell health (MPI) without the need for reagents like Trypan blue

Quadcount - Trypan Blue Cell Counter, $4,275.00
Traditional cell counter that is inexpensive and easy to use.
QuadCount™ is an automatic cell counter based on a bright-field microscopy designed to satisfy customer's need. QuadCount™ performs cell counting with a simple touch while staining samples with trypan blue. QuadCount™ has customizable presets for improving the accuracy, and the counting results are closer to manual counting than other cell counters.
Key features
Fast, accurate and reproducible results
Intuitive software and touch-screen interface
Convenient and cost-effective QuadSlides™
Count sample volumes up to 3.6ul
Compatible with most common mammalian cell lines (click for detail)
High quality 4x objective lens
5 Mega pixels CMOS image sensor
20 ㎕ sample loading
Selectable counting modes (Quick, Normal, and Precise)
Dynamic range of 1×10^4 ~ 1×10^7 cells/ml
Cell size range of 5 ~ 60 um

Moxi V (Viability), $10,500
Gold Standard Cell Counts, Cell Size, and Viability
The Moxi V provides a combination of volumetric cell sizing (Particle Sizer) with simultaneous fluorescence (Flow Cytometer) to provide the most accurate cell counts, size, and viability in the industry. Specifically, the Moxi V employs the Coulter Principle to precisely measure the volumetric particle size of each particle for exact size measurements down to 3um in diameter (14fL volume), easily distinguishing between cells and debris. The system is also equipped with a 532nm laser and a 561nm/LP detection channel for robust cell viability analysis. Propidium Iodide (PI)-stained dead cells measure 50-100 times brighter fluorescence on the system than do live cells, removing the ambiguity associated with traditional Trypan Blue viability assessments. For each test, these size and viability measurements are applied, individually, to up to 23,000 cells in a matter of a few seconds. This ensures the highest level of precision and statistical robustness. As the fluidic volume is precisely metered as well, the particle counts are presented as an exact cell concentration.
The Moxi V employs a patented, single-use, microfluidic flow cell. The flow cells eliminate the hassle of traditional flow cytometers and Coulter Counters, eliminating the need for cleaning, maintenance, clearing of clogs, cross contamination and occasionally replacement of bottles and tubes. The Moxi V uses very little sample volume, 60ul, allowing you to conserve your precious, potentially expensive, sample (e.g. stem cells). Cell concentrations as low as 10 cells/ul are possible, typically requiring just 5ul of cell sample diluted in 55ul of PBS.
The Moxi V™ system comes standard with an ultra-intuitive, plug-and-play interface with free OS updates for as long as you own the instrument. No prior flow cytometry experience is required – you simply just plug and play.
Some Key Features of the Moxi V include:
True Cell Viability Counts - 50-100x more sensitive than vision counters.
Precision Sizing - Uses the Coulter Principle to get precise cell volumes with CVs less than 3% and no need for triplicates.
Highly Accurate - Accurate counts for smaller cells down to 3um (i.e. nuclei, RBCs). Uniquely accurate at low cell concentrations down to 10 cells per ul.
Rapid Assays - Offers a less than 15 second test that counts up to 23,000 cells compared to 200-300 counts on most vision counters.
Moxi GO II, $25,750
The ideal tool for cell QC in applications like CAR-T workflows and Single Cell Sequencing applications.
Next Generation Coulter-Principle Flow Cytometer. Combines the Coulter Principle (for highly-accurate cell counts and exact, volumetric cell sizing) with a 488nm laser and two PMT fluorescence detection channels (for cell health assays, robust CAR-T monitoring, cellular response profiling, and immunoprofiling).
Small footprint enables portability and convenience.
Fast (<10 sec) test times and no warm-up periods ensure rapid results.
Intuitive, touchscreen design for ease of use.
No cleaning or maintenance required.
The Moxi GO II's new Auto-Gating feature will analyze results in an accurate, repeatable way to provide the most consistent results -- presented in a simplified new Data Summary page. The new Batch Mode feature allows you to run multiple tests of the same sample type. It will auto-find live and dead cell populations, eliminating user-to-user variability.

Celloger Mini - automatic live cell Imaging system
Analyzing live cells in real time
Celloger Mini is an automatic live cell Imaging system based on a brightfield microscopy technique.
The Celloger Mini is built to withstand the hazards of gases, temperature and humidity of laboratory CO2 incubators.
Key features
Live cell monitoring and time-lapse image recording.
Compact size and compatible with CO2 incubator
Up to 96 well plate availability
Intuitive UI/UX and high content image processing
Various application for cell analysis
- Growth curve & confluency
- Cell migration
- Wound healing
- Proliferation and differentiation
Precise auto-focusing
Motorized X-Y-Z stage for multiple points
High quality 4X objective lens
5MP high resolution and CMOS image sensor
2 weeks monitoring (Expandable depending on PC capacity)