Lab Equipment Service and Sales

Freezer Boxes

Polycarbonate Freezer Boxes

Polycarbonate Freezer Boxes

from $535.00
Polycarbonate Freezer/Cryo Boxes 2" 100-Well

Polycarbonate Freezer/Cryo Boxes 2" 100-Well

from $156.61
Mini Polycarbonate Freezer Boxes 2" 25-Well 90-9250-1.jpg

Mini Polycarbonate Freezer Boxes 2" 25-Well

from $174.52
Polycarbonate Freezer/Cryo Boxes Boxes with 81 wells 90-9381.jpg

Polycarbonate Freezer/Cryo Boxes Boxes with 81 wells

from $151.71
CryoKING 100-Well Polycarbonate Freezer Boxes 98-0213.jpg

CryoKING 100-Well Polycarbonate Freezer Boxes
