Key Features:
Precision temperature control, 6-sided heating
Precise monitoring over CO2 with dual beam IR sensor
Seamless, stainless-steel chamber
Digital control of humidity percentage (PLUS models only)
Ordering Information:
H3550-45*: Benchmark ST-45 CO2 Incubator, 45 Liter, 115V with two shelves
H3550-180*: Benchmark ST-180 CO2 Incubator, 180 Liter, 115V with three shelves
H3551-45P*: Benchmark ST-45 PLUS CO2 Incubator, 45 Liter, 115V with two shelves. Includes: High heat decontamination, humidity control
and split inner door with 2 compartments
H3551-180P*: Benchmark ST-180 PLUS CO2 Incubator, 180 Liter, 115V with 3 shelves. Includes: High heat decontamination, humidity control and
split inner door with 6 compartments
Optional Accessories:
H3550-45-SH: Additional shelf for 45 liter incubators, 1 each
H3550-180-SH: Additional shelf for 180 liter incubators, 1 each
H3550-45-SK: Stacking kit for 45 liter incubator
H3550-180-SK: Stacking kit for 180 liter incubator (height of top display approximately 135cm)
H2300-REG: Regulator (optional), required for connecting to a CO2 source
BT4001*: Orbi-Shaker ™ CO2 , remote controlled orbital shaker with flat mat platform (13 x 12in.) For 45L and 180L models
Additional platforms, clamps & accessories available
BT4011*: Orbi-Shaker ™ CO2 XL, remote controlled orbital shaker with flat mat platform (16 x 16.5in.) For 180L models ONLY.
Additional platforms, clamps & accessories available
*115V with USA Plug. For 230V with EU plug, add (-E)
Technical Data:
Model: ST-45 ST-180 ST-45 PLUS ST-180 PLUS
Temperature Range: <<<================= Ambient +5 to 60°C ===========================>>>>
Temperature Accuracy: <<<================= ±0.1°C* ===========================>>>>
Temperature Uniformity: <<<================= ±0.4°C* ===========================>>>>
Temperature Increment: <<<================= 0.1°C ===========================>>>>
Temperature Stability: <<<================= 0.1°C* ===========================>>>>
CO2 Range: <<<================= 0 to 20% ===========================>>>>
CO2 Increment: <<<================= 0.1°C ===========================>>>>
CO2 Accuracy: <<<================= ±0.1°C* ===========================>>>>
CO2 Sensor: <<<================= Dual Beam IR ===========================>>>>
High Heat Decontamination: <<<======= No =============>>>> <<<============= Yes =============>>>>
Programmable Humidity Range: <<<======= N/A =========>>>> <<<============= Up to 95% =======>>>>
Chamber Dimensions : 13.2 x 14.2 x 15.4 in. 18.7 x 20.8 x 28 in. 13.2 x 14.2 x 15.4 in. 18.7 x 20.8 x 28 in.
(W x D x H) 33.5 x 36.1 x 39.2 cm 47.3 x 52.8 x 71 cm 33.5 x 36.1 x 39.2 cm 47.3 x 52.8 x 71 cm
Chamber Volume: 45L 180L 45L 180L
Split Inner Door: <<<=============== N/A =========>>> <<== 2 Compartments ==>> <<== 6 Compartments ==>>
Compartments Chamber Material: <<<================= Stainless Steel ===========================>>>>
Exterior Dimensions: 16.5 x 18.3 x 21.8 in 22 x 26.2 x 37.2 in 16.5 x 18.3 x 21.8 in 22 x 26.2 x 37.2 in
(W x D x H) 42 x 46.5 x 55.3 cm 56 x 66.5 x 94.5 cm 42 x 46.5 x 55.3 cm 56 x 66.5 x 94.5 cm
Weight: 77 lbs / 35 kg 172lbs/78kg 77 lbs / 35 kg 172lbs/78kg
Electrical: <<<====================== 120V 50-60Hz (350W) ===========================>>>>
* At a set tempertaure of 37.0°C