AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA Quantitation Kit

AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA Quantitation Kit
Broad Range RNA Quantitation Kit designed for use with fluorescent microplate readers or with small fluorometers such as the Qubit® fluorometer (from Thermo Fisher Scientific). The assay is specific for RNA, and can quantify RNA samples in the range of 0.5-100 ng/uL.
The AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA Quantitation Kit is a fluorescence-based assay designed to quantify purified RNA samples in a fluorescent microplate reader or small fluorometer such as the Qubit® fluorometer (from Thermo Fisher Scientific). The assay is linear between 5 and 1000 ng of RNA per 200 uL assay well, which corresponds to sample concentrations of 0.5 to 100 ng/uL. It is ideal for use in quantifying RNA for sensitive applications such as Next-Gen Sequencing (NGS) or reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR). Unlike absorbance-based measurements, RNA Broad Range Dye is selective for RNA over double-stranded DNA, and can tolerate an equimolar amount of dsDNA in the sample without significant effect on RNA quantitation (purified RNA samples are still recommended).
The AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA Quantitation assay is designed for use with fluorescence microplate readers equipped with excitation and emission filters for detecting far-red fluorescence. It is also optimized for use in the Qubit® fluorometer, using the pre-programmed RNA Broad Range program.
Optimized for use on fluorescent microplate readers with excitation/emission of 630/660 nm
Optimized for use on Qubit® 3 fluorometers
Wide linear range of 5-1000 ng RNA (spanning those of both the Quant-iT™ RNA and Quant-iT™ RNA Broad Range kits from Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Highly selective for RNA over dsDNA, therefore no DNase step is necessary
Kit components:
RNA Broad Range Dye, 200X
RNA Broad Range Buffer
RNA Dilution Buffer (can use as Standard 1 on Qubit®)
RNA Broad Range Standard, 100 ng/uL (can use as Standard 2 on Qubit®)