AccuBlue® NextGen dsDNA Quantitation Kit

AccuBlue® NextGen dsDNA Quantitation Kit
The AccuBlue® NextGen dsDNA Quantitation Kit provides an unprecedented level of sensitivity in dsDNA detection. The AccuBlue® NextGen dsDNA Quantitation assay is the most sensitive and accurate DNA quantitation method for ultra low amounts of DNA.
The AccuBlue® NextGen dsDNA Quantitation Kit provides an unprecedented level of sensitivity in dsDNA detection. The AccuBlue® NextGen dsDNA Quantitation assay is the most sensitive and accurate DNA quantitation method for ultra low amounts of DNA. With a detection limit as low as 1 pg DNA in a 96-well plate reader assay (see Table 1), AccuBlue® NextGen outperforms rivals such as PicoGreen® in sensitivity and accuracy. Specially designed for scientists who need to quantify extremely dilute or precious DNA, AccuBlue® NextGen is ideal for use in preparing samples for applications such as Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and digital PCR.
The AccuBlue® NextGen dsDNA Quantitation Kit contains a 10 ng/uL dsDNA standard, with instructions for preparing a set of standards by serial dilution. We also offer the AccuBlue® NextGen dsDNA Quantitation Solution without DNA standard, for customers who wish to use their own standard.
The AccuBlue® NextGen dsDNA quantitation assay is designed for use with fluorescence 96-well plate readers equipped with excitation and emission filters for detecting green fluorescence. The unique spectral properties of AccuBlue® NextGen Dye make it especially well-suited for use with instruments with blue LED excitation sources. Because the AccuBlue® NextGen assay is so sensitive, results will vary depending on many factors, such as microplate reader, assay volume, and pipet accuracy.
For DNA quantitation using the Qubit® fluorometer we recommend our AccuGreen™ High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit and AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit, which were formulated specifically for that instrument.
Linear range: 1-3000 pg dsDNA
Unrivaled sensitivity
Green fluorescent dye is a perfect match for blue LED excitation sources
Kit Components with DNA standards (~1,000 Assays)
AccuBlue® NextGen Dye, 400X
AccuBlue® NextGen Enhancer, 100X
AccuBlue® NextGen Buffer, 1X
High Sensitivity DNA Standard, 10 ng/uL
Kit Components without DNA standards (~1,000 Assays)
AccuBlue® NextGen Dye, 400X
AccuBlue® NextGen Enhancer, 100X
AccuBlue® NextGen Buffer, 1X