AccuClear® Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit

AccuClear® Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit
AccuClear® Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit utilizes a novel, next-generation DNA binding dye for highly sensitive and accurate quantitation of purified dsDNA samples across a broad range of DNA concentrations. The assay is linear between 0.03 ng and 250 ng of dsDNA per assay in microplate format making it the most versatile DNA quantitation assay.
AccuClear® Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit utilizes a novel, next-generation DNA binding dye for highly sensitive and accurate quantitation of purified dsDNA samples across a broad range of DNA concentrations. The assay is linear between 0.03 ng and 250 ng of dsDNA per assay in microplate format, making it the most versatile DNA quantitation assay. Unlike absorbance-based measurements, AccuClear® dye is highly selective for double-stranded DNA over single stranded DNA or RNA. We also sell a stand-alone AccuClear® Quantitation Solution without DNA standards, for users who wish to use their own standards.
The AccuClear® dsDNA quantitation assay is designed for use with fluorescence 96-well plate readers equipped with excitation and emission filters for detecting green fluorescence. The unique spectral properties of AccuClear® dye make it especially well-suited for use with instruments with blue LED excitation sources. For DNA quantitation using the Qubit® fluorometer we recommend our AccuGreen™ High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit and AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit, which were formulated specifically for that instrument.
Linear range: 0.03-250 ng dsDNA
Unrivaled sensitivity and dynamic range
Kit Components with DNA standards:
1000 Assays
AccuClear® Dye, 100X
AccuClear® Buffer, 1X
Set of 7 dsDNA Standards
2000 Assays
AccuClear® Dye, 100X
AccuClear® Buffer, 20X
25 ng/uL dsDNA Standard
Kit Components without DNA standards
AccuClear® Dye, 100X
AccuClear® Buffer, 1X